Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Someone Stands Up to Celia

And it's Eddie Hobbs! The wee Corkman has become the first person to point out the slight issue with Celia Larkin simultaneously getting sweetheart deals from a major lender and serving on the board of the National Consumer Agency (NCA). True, the NCA spends most of its time on grocery price surveys and and shuffling its Chief Executive out in front of the media to lecture us on 'shopping around', but having one of its board members in hoc to a lender with a rep for reposessions is still a little grotesque.

Dissapointingly, Eddie has only called for her to work for free or quit, rather than stating the obvious: her position is simply untenable. It was blatant cronyism when she was appointed, and the fact that Fingleton
forced through a conveniently-timed loan for her (the loan paid off a tidy sum she'd received from the local FF organisation, a matter that was due to come up in Dublin Castle) is just another slap in the face. 

We'll give him the benefit of the doubt, however, and presume he fully expects her to resign before putting in a few hours of work for free. Hobbs himself has put his money where his mouth is, much to his credit. He may be annoying, but he's straight - most people will take that over a slick PR guru who receives quick loans from dubious sources any day.

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